The R&D Community “Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education” focuses on teacher training. It analyses various aspects associated with enterprise that must be taken into account in initial and in-service teacher training.
It also aims to create a forum for teachers, teacher trainers, researchers and other professionals interested in entrepreneurship in education. All in all, our objective is to share research outcomes and best practices.
Our R&D Community is opened to the participation of researchers and teachers from around the world.
Researching and sharing good institutional practices, in order to include entrepreneurship education in the curriculum of teacher training and in-service teacher training.
Analysing the effectiveness of educational programmes in entrepreneurship in terms of learning outcomes.
Presenting and sharing innovations in the field of teacher training at all educational levels (from primary school to university).
Enabling Teachers for entrepreneurship education on the creation of enterprises, including a wide range of personal, social and entrepreneurial competences.
Researching and sharing good practices in the area of junior enterprises and start-up, working together with students and teachers.
Extending the concept of entrepreneurship to a wide range of social programmes, social volunteering and social responsibilities of firms.
The Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2014) took place at the Faculty of Education, University of Granada (Spain), from 5 to 6 June 2014. The conference was organized by SEJ059, ProfesioLab, the University of Granada, with special collaboration from the Guarda Polytechnic Institute (GPI) in Portugal.
Beyond the limits
Dressed to developing the entrepreneurship via creativity in schools. ( )
Combating skills mismatch through a transdisciplinary approach and skills transferability. (
Want to find out

Professor María del Carmen Galván Malagón
Associate Lecturer. University of Extremadura, Spain.

Dr. Emilio J. Lizarte Simón
Associate Lecturer. Dpt. of Didactics & School Organization. University of Granada, Spain.

Dr. Meriem Khaled Gijón
Laboratory for Cognition, Health, Training, and Interaction among Humans, Animals, and Machines. CHTI-HAM. University of Granada, Spain.
Dr. Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas
Associate Lecturer, University of Extremadura, Spain.
María Teresa Castilla Mesa
PhD, Associate Professor, University of Málaga, Spain
Soledad Domene Martos
PhD, University of Sevilla, Spain
Juan Antonio Morales Lozano
PhD, Professor, University of Sevilla, Spain
Estenka Mihovilovic Olguín
Doctoral Candidate, University of Granada (Assistant Lecturer. University Catholic of Chile – DUOC
Borja Rivera Gómez-Barris
Doctoral Candidate, University of Granada (Assistant Lecturer. University Catholic of Chile – DUOC-)
Carolina Vargas Pana
Doctoral Candidate, University of Granada (Assistant Lecturer. University of Costa Rica)
Competences for the initial training of teachers in the teaching of entrepreneurship
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Study about competencies core elements of entrepreneurship
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