The ATEE aims to enhance the quality of Teacher Education in Europe through active dialogue and international exchange of research and practice in initial and in-service teacher education.
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Universitätsprofessur (§98 UG) für Digitale Grundbildung und Mediendidaktik Universität Innsbruck
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Job offer ATEE: Executive Officer
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Job offer ATEE: Membership & Communication Assistant
309.04 KB | Download File
Agenda Extraordinary General Assembly 7 January 2025, 7 PM CET
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Winter conference
Organised by one or more RDCs. It’s a debate platform around specific topics, also involving other experts.
Spring conference
It is a forum of knowledge sharing for practitioners and researchers organised by institutional members of the Association.
Annual conference
A meeting place for teacher educators and researchers from all over the world. Combines inspiring keynotes with paper presentations and active working sessions organised by RDCs.