The ATEE has an administrative governing body, the Administrative Council, which is currently constituted by ten members. As set forth by Art. 12 of the Statutes, the Administrative Council – acting as a collegial body – is responsible for the general policy of the association and its management.

Drs. Pettra van Beveren
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands

Associate Prof. Agnieszka Szplit
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland

Dr. Jaap van Lakerveld
PLATO, Netherlands

Dr. Leah Shagrir
Levinsky College of Education, Israel

Professor Olena Shyyan
Lviv In-Service Teacher Training Institute, Ukraine

Associate Prof. Onur Ergunay
Izmir Democracy University, Turkey

Professor Teresa O'Doherty
Marino Institute of Education, Ireland

Associate Prof. T. J. O'Ceallaigh
University College Cork, Ireland

Mr Ronny Smet
Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Belgium