Pursuant to Article 14 et sequitur of the Statutes, members are hereby notified that the ATEE 2021 General Assembly – First Meeting will be held online on 20th May 2021 – 7 pm CEST.
- Apologies and adoption of the agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the last General Assembly
- Presentation of the Annual Report by the President
- Approval of the 2020 Annual Accounts and the 2021 Budget
- Presentation of the Annual Report by the EJTE Editors
- Presentation of the Annual Report by the RDCs Coordinator
- Disbandment of the RDC ‘Secondary Education’
- Election new members of the ATEE Administrative Council
- Matters arising
- Closure of the General Assembly
The financial report and other documents are available in the “Download” section of the website.
Members of the ATEE are invited to register via this link:
Registration form – ATEE Online General Assembly 2021
Candidate for the Administrative Council membership: Dr. Agnieszka Szplit
Elections of members of the ATEE Administrative Council:
In compliance with Article 21.5. of the Statutes, each Member may propose one (1) candidate member of the Administrative Council to the Administrative Council at least fifty-six (56) calendar days in advance of a meeting of the General Assembly at which one or more member(s) of the Administrative Council will be elected. Each candidate member of the Administrative Council must be supported by at least two (2) Members which are not of the same nationality. One (1) Member cannot support more than two (2) candidate members of the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council must inform the Members as soon as a new election by the General Assembly is necessary. The Administrative Council, taking into account the criterion set out in paragraph 21.3. of the present Article, shall draw up a list of all proposed members of the Administrative Council. The list shall be attached to the convening notice of the meeting of the General Assembly at which one or more member(s) of the Administrative Council will be elected. The list shall indicate for each proposed member of the Administrative Council the criteria set out in paragraph 21.2. of the present Article and shall indicate if the proposed member of the Administrative Council is a Representative of an Institutional Member or an Individual Member. If there is no list or an incomplete list of candidate members of the Administrative Council, the General Assembly may freely elect without any formality one or more member(s) of the Administrative Council out of the Representatives of the Institutional Members and the Individual Members.
More information in the Statutes and Internal Rules of the Association.